Prices at our website are in USD, and the 2/bzd for 1/usd exchange rate applies.
Please email us for our wholesale price list in BZD. (Only applicable to re-sellers.) Please contact us directly via email and we will process your order, send you a digital invoice, arrange for the payment and decide the best delivery option for you - see payment and shipping options below.
In-country payment options:
Cash (BZD or USD) On Delivery (COD)
Cheque made payable to Christine McIntyre
Deposit to Heritage Bank - to BodyBelize Apothecary/Christine McIntyre Acct: 10133205
In-country shipping options:
Tropicair or Maya Island Air - same or next day delivery, nominal fee applies
Postal Service - no charge for small packages
BPMS or EZY Dispatch - next day delivery, nominal fee applies
It is sometimes possible to make door-to-door deliveries if I or one of my representatives is going to your area.
Retailers and Resorts on Mainland Belize: please order well in advance of your need. It is preferable that we utilize the suggested delivery services mentioned herein.
Retailers and Resorts on the Cayes: please order well in advance of your need. Your orders will be shipped either via Tropicair or Maya Island Air. If you maintain an office on the mainland, your order may be delivered to that location via one of the options mentioned herein. Let us know your preference when you place your order.
Retailers Abroad
If you are a retailer interested in carrying BodyBelize products in your store, please contact us via email.
Shipping abroad is conducted via the Belize Postal Service.